Thursday, August 30, 2012


Matthew McConaughey and More Stars' Extreme Weight Loss

VIDEO: Matthew McConaughey on Movie Violence and 2nd Act of Career
Matthew McConaughey appears to have melted.
The formerly buff actor struggled to fill out his suit on the set of "The Wolf of Wall Street" in New York this week. He's losing 30 pounds to play an AIDS patient turned drug dealer in the upcoming movie "The Dallas Buyer's Club," which starts shooting next month. He told Larry King he views not eating as a cleanse.
"It's a bit of a spiritual cleanse, mental cleanse," the 42-year-old actor said in an appearance on the veteran newsman's Ora TV online show. "[I'm] drinking a lot of tea."
"It takes a while for your body to understand that it has to feed off of itself, and that you're not going to give it something else from the outside," McConaughey said. "I should not look healthy by the time I'm doing this."
Yikes. McConaughey's not the only actor to push the boundaries of health for a role. Click through to see six more who've gone to extreme and sometimes unhealthy measures to get into character:

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